Jason Schaefer

Jason Schaefer served as Strong Towns' Member Support Specialist from 2015-2016. Jason has always had a strong interest in cities and has lived in some great ones, including Almuñécar, Spain; Missoula, MT; Boston, MA; Washington, DC; Fargo, ND; and, of course, Grand Forks, ND. Last year, he was awarded a McCloy Fellowship to study urban sustainability initiatives while visiting Amsterdam and seven cities across Germany. 

He is very involved in urbanism efforts in his hometown of Grand Forks, ND where he sits on the boards of the Downtown Development Association and the US Green Building Council - North Dakota chapter. He was a featured speaker at TEDx Grand Forks where he shared his vision for a transit and development corridor. That project was later selected to participate in the EcoDistricts Incubator in Portland, OR. Jason is an avid traveler and urban explorer.

When Jason isn't geeking-out to urbanist stuff, he's likely, hanging out with his niece, on his bike or doing an adventure race of some sort.




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