Become a Member of Strong Towns

One of the things I’ve been blown away by since joining Strong Towns this past June is the sheer volume of inquiries we receive. Each week we get two or three requests to engage with a community in one way or another. This is in addition to dozens of emails with questions for Chuck or an insight someone wants to share with us. People are hungry for the Strong Towns message and many want to know what they can do to be involved.


My goal as Executive Director is to run Strong Towns, the organization, consistent with the principles we share. We have a revolutionary message but only scarce resources and limited time. The greatest challenge I’ve faced is to identify those high return investments. How can we use what we have to effectively reach the most people and bring about the greatest amount of positive change possible?

Today we are announcing an opportunity to become a member of Strong Towns. Membership is one way that you can support what we are doing. It is also a formal way you can get involved and keep in touch. Membership allows us to focus our resources and, over time, build our capacity to support people who are out there working to make their community a strong town.

We are offering four levels of membership.

Member - $25 a year

I really like Strong Towns and want to stay in touch with what’s going on. Keep working to build Strong Towns.

Members are the core supporters of Strong Towns and your donation underwrites the day to day operation of the organization. Thank you so much!

Member Level Benefits Include:

  • Strong Towns e-newsletter, including members-only blog and media content
  • Identification as a Member on the Strong Towns Network
  • Invitations to regional member gatherings when Strong Towns Fellows and Staff visit your area
  • Nominate one community for a no-cost Curbside Chat engagement and Strong Towns on Tap event in 2014

Advocate - $75 a year or $7 a month

The Strong Towns approach is critical to the future. I want to learn more and am giving to make that possible for myself and others.

Advocate contributions go toward developing quality materials to inform and persuade others to build strong cities, towns and neighborhoods. We love you too!

Advocate Level Benefits Include:

  • All the benefits of a Member
  • Ability to submit questions to Fellows through the Ask Strong Towns platform (answers published for everyone)
  • Access to the Strong Towns University platform
  • Early registration and no-cost participation in educational webinars (regular schedule coming in 2014)
  • Early registration to Boot Camps and the 2014 National Gathering

Enthusiast - $250 a year or $21 a month

I LOVE Strong Towns and am passionate about the message spreading everywhere.

Enthusiasts are just that; individuals and organizations with a passionate commitment to growing the Strong Towns movement. You’re the heart of the organization.

Enthusiast Level Benefits Include:

  • Special recognition
  • All benefits of the Member and Advocate levels
  • Invitation to interactive, small group discussions with Strong Towns Fellows and Staff
  • Receive early release of reports and other publications

Sponsor - $1000 a year or $84 a month

I can make a difference and help Strong Towns, the non-profit organization, be as resilient as a Strong Town.

What can we say? Thank you so much. Whether you are an individual or an organization, we’re humbled by your support and will work hard to bring about the vision we share.

Sponsor Benefits Include:

  • Special recognition on the Strong Towns blog and in a Strong Towns podcast
  • All benefits of the Member, Advocate and Enthusiast levels
  • Invitation to strategic briefings on the Strong Towns movement and related issues
  • A personal phone call from Chuck Marohn or a Strong Towns Fellow of your choice
  • Invitation to a private meeting with Strong Towns Fellows or Staff when they are in your area

To give special recognition to those of you that are here with us now near the beginning, anyone who joins at the Advocate Level or higher by December 31 will be designated in the Strong Towns Founder’s Circle.


Membership is an important step for us as an organization and a movement. Please consider becoming a member today and encourage your friends, colleagues and neighbors who are passionate about Strong Towns to join as well. Thank you for all that you do to help us build strong towns.

If you have any questions, or experience any difficulties getting signed up, don't hesitate to get a hold of me.