Strong Towns on Tap (update)

For our Minnesota readers (and anyone wanting to travel here to hang out and talk Strong Towns for an evening), we have some updates on our next Strong Towns on Tap event.

First, the next event is going to be held on April 9th starting at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at HUGE Theater in Uptown Minneapolis (Lyndale Ave & 31st). This is a great venue and we really want to get as many people there as possible, so please plan to attend, invite your friends and neighbors and let everyone in your social networks know.

Second, we had to change the name of the event. The event was going to be called Strong Towns on Tap (Pech@ Kuch@ night) but, after we received a notice from someone claiming to represent indicating that the name Pech@ Kuch@ had been trademarked (I'm using the @ sign there to avoid infringement on this trademark), we changed the name of the event to: 

Strong Towns on Tap (featuring speakers utilizing 20 slides at 20 seconds each in a style originated in Tokyo and now commonly used around the world which, for trademark reasons, shall go unnamed)

I think it's kind of catchy.

Third and final, if you are interested in being one of the speakers (20 slides, 20 seconds each), we'd love to consider your presentation. If you want to apply, please send the following to Nate Hood at

  • Brief biography of presenter
  • Basic concept of presentation
  • Answer the question: Why should Strong Towns select your presentation?

We're looking to reveive those proposals by Sunday evening because we've got an awesome show to plan.

Hope to see you there.