Questions for Podcast #200

Amazingly, the Strong Towns Podcast is fast approaching its 200th episode, a milestone worth stopping to acknowledge.

We're asking you to help us with Show #200 by submitting your questions for Chuck to answer. You can be technical if you want -- he'd probably appreciate that -- but feel free to take it any direction you would like to go. We won't show him the questions ahead of time so his answers will be rather spontaneous.

  • Is it true you drink a six pack of Mountain Dew each day? 
  • What are your best reads from 2014?
  • Have you ever thought about moving to a nicer city?

And if you have a special memory of a past podcast or just a well wish, feel free to submit that too. Show #200 will be out last of 2014 and we'd like to join you in celebrating a little. This has been a fantastic year.