The Curbside Chat Grows Up

As the year winds down, I look back at what we did with the Curbside Chat and am really amazed. I've given the presentation nearly 200 times -- to the point where it is now more performance than technical presentation by an engineer -- and, through all the feedback and interaction, the narrative has grown to be really powerful. You all are part of making that happen, so I thank you as well. We're getting better at this every day.

One of the people that helped improve the Chat a lot was one of our key collaborators, Gracen Johnson. She was not only there to film a number of the Chats and give some really good feedback, we gave her the challenge of taking this expansive Strong Towns narrative and making it into a series of short videos. While we work really well together, she approaches these issues quite differently than I do. It was that fresh perspective that allowed me to hear the words with renewed passion.

Today we have two of the videos done. There are scripts for ten more. These are meant to be conversation-starters; a little snippet for sharing and helping you spread the Strong Towns message. Our goal for 2015 is to complete them all. We are working to raise $30,000 to make that happen. If you want to help us in a big way or small, consider bidding on the plate of homemade cookies I've made and donated to this effort or just go and make a donation (tax-deductible) for the project. Any level of support has tremendous value.

The Curbside Chat began back in 2010 when our very first board of directors asked me, "What are we doing?" I gave them the first presentation and told them that this was the story I wanted to share with America. Four and a half years later, I've been able to share it with thousands of people. What an honor. 

And know this: 2015 is going to be even better. I'm already booked into September to share this message around the country and, in addition to the videos, we have some other things in the works to help us do that. Stay tuned....