CNU Podcast Schedule

Next week is CNU 23 in Dallas and our programming is going to shift. Monday and Tuesday we won't be very active -- maybe a schedule update -- but then on Wednesday we are going to start sharing podcasts and other updates. Stay tuned.

For those of you that will be in Dallas, we're going to be recording throughout in Sam Houston C on the Mezzanine Level. You are invited to stop in and watch any of the podcasts live and even ask your own questions.

Here's the lineup.

Wednesday, April 29

9:00 AM - Kristin Green and Kevin Shepherd from Verdunity

9:30 AM - Mike Lydon and Anthony Garcia on their new book Tactical Urbanism

10:00 AM - Jen Krouse, Strong Towns Contributor

10:30 AM - Dan Parolek from Opticos Design

11:00 AM - Joe Minicozzi and Josh McCarty from Urban 3

12:00 noon - Jason Roberts of The Better Block

2:30 PM - Johnny Sanphillippo of Granola Shotgun

3:00 PM - Jesse Bailey from Walkable West Palm Beach

3:30 PM - Cynthia Nikitin from Project for Public Spaces

4:00 PM - Ask Strong Towns, your chance to ask us anything

Thursday, April 30

9:00 AM - Steve Mouzon, the Original Green

9:30 AM - Lee Sobel of RCLCO

10:00 AM - Hazel Borys of Placemakers

2:00 PM - Lynn Richards, President and CEO of the Congress for the New Urbanism

2:30 PM - Jarrett Walker (Human Transit) and James Llamas (Traffic Engineers, Inc.)

300 PM - Sinclair Black and Heyden Walker of Black and Vernooy

Friday, May 1

9:00 AM - Chuck Marohn and Andrew Burleson of Strong Towns

10:00 AM - Matthias Leyrer, Strong Towns Contributor

10:30 AM - John Anderson (Anderson|Kim) and Monte Anderson (Options Real Estate)

11:20 AM - Scott Doyon and Ben Brown of Placemakers

2:00 PM - Robin Bergstrom from CNU New England

2:30 PM - Jonathan Coppage and Benjamin Schwarz of The American Conservative