Upcoming Speaking Events

The detailed speaking calendar for Curbside Chats, Conference Keynotes and Workshops for April and May has been updated. Going to be spending a lot of time in the middle of the country this spring, with return visits to the northeast as well.

For those of you in or near Wisconsin, we have a training seminar on April 25 that will be combining elements from the Curbside Chat and Transportation in the Next American City content.

April 7 - Delray Beach, FL
April 9-10 - La Crosse, WI
April 14-15 - Birmingham, AL
April 24-25 - Stevens Point, WI  - Half day training session, AICP Credits will be offered - Register Here
April 28 - Dallas, TX
April 30 - Dallas, TX - Member Appreciation Event - More details to come to Strong Towns Members by email
May 13 - Fargo, ND - Curbside Chat
May 14 - Grand Forks, ND - Curbside Chat
May 19 - Hays, KS
May 21 - Lewiston, ME
June 17 - Boston, MA - Conference Keynote
June 18 - Denver, CO - Strong Towns on Tap 
June 30 - Des Moines, IA - Conference Keynote

We have pending engagements finalizing in Michigan and Louisiana by the end of June as well.

The spring calendar is nearly filled, so we are scheduling into the fall now. We have events that are in the works in Kentucky, Utah, Idaho, Northern California, and Texas. Hopefully the details will be ready to be released by June on all of those events.

We are looking for additional sponsors/partners to put together trips in greater Seattle/Western Washington, the Bay Area, Oregon, upstate NY, and Vermont/New Hampshire where we already have folks setting the groundwork for a visit.

If you are interested in helping bring Strong Towns to your area, contact Executive Director Jim Kumon via the form on the Curbside Chat page.