CNU 23, Friday Preview

Today's my last day at CNU 23 and we're going to leave nothing on the table.

Podcasting Schedule

9:00 AM - Chuck Marohn and Andrew Burleson of Strong Towns

10:00 AM - Matthias Leyrer, Strong Towns Contributor

10:30 AM - John Anderson (Anderson|Kim) and Monte Anderson (Options Real Estate)

11:20 AM - Scott Doyon and Ben Brown of Placemakers

2:00 PM - Robin Bergstrom from CNU New England

2:30 PM - Jonathan Coppage and Benjamin Schwarz of The American Conservative

Bipartisan Placemaking: Reaching Conservatives session

3:45 PM to 5:00 PM in Grand Ballroom A

Community building, placemaking, traditional neighborhood design. Good urbanism should hold a deep appeal across the political spectrum, but too often gets roadblocked by unproductive stereotypes. The American Conservative magazine joins CNU co-founder Andres Duany and Strong Towns' Chuck Marohn in a discussion on how to bridge the urbanism divide and how to engage community-oriented conservatives at the local and national levels.

NextGen Debates

The NextGen debates return to their edgy roots. We start at 8:30 PM in Grand Ballroom A. Audience voting so be there and be heard.

Auto-based New Urbanism was a mistake.

Affirmative: Kristin Jeffers and Edward Erfurt

Opposition: Eliza Harris Juliano and Sherryl Muriente

Sprawl Retrofit is a pleasant concept, but is not a viable solution to widespread sprawl.

Affirmative: Kevin Klinkenberg and Lee Sobel

Opposition: Ellen Dunham-Jones and Emily Talen

The Late Show

Here's the lineup (special thanks to Gracen Johnson for the opening video). 


Placemakers Dance Party

We'll be joining the Placemakers right after the Late Show for their annual dance party. It's located at the Gatsby Nightclub at 1400 Main Street.