
Strong Towns gives me hope that we can build better towns and cities because I see my fellow Strong Towns members doing that all over the country.

I am inspired by the community that exists within Strong Towns and I have learned so much from my fellow members.
— Rachel Quednau of Milwaukee, WI

This is our summer membership drive. Please take the time right now to sign up and become a member or make a donation to support the Strong Towns movement.

By showing the way to a society that’s less dependent on fossil fuels and more adaptable to a changing climate, Strong Towns gives me hope for my children and grandchildren in a post-carbon future.
— Derek Hofmann of San Diego, CA

The Strong Towns organization has inspired me to become much more involved with development issues in my community to the point where I am considering some form of urbanism as a next (3rd!) career.
— Alex Pline of Annapolis, MD
Making above the fold headlines wherever we are invited to share the Strong Towns message. People are hungry for a Strong Towns approach.

Making above the fold headlines wherever we are invited to share the Strong Towns message. People are hungry for a Strong Towns approach.

Strong Towns helps us see how traditional development provides greater value at lower public cost than do more typical auto-centric development patterns. Business is better, connection between people is enhanced and transportation need is reduced. Everyone wins!
— Steve Lockwood of Sandpoint, ID
Closing Session of the 2014 National Gathering.

Closing Session of the 2014 National Gathering.

Making progress at the 2014 National Gathering.

Making progress at the 2014 National Gathering.

Strong Towns keeps me super informed and engaged with an excellent offering of podcasts, blog posts and social media. It’s a valuable service that I’m happy to contribute to.
— Jason Schaefer of Grand Forks, ND