Show Us Your Favorite Bike Racks
Photo by Joe Mabel
At Strong Towns, we believe that a strong town is also a bikeable town. While there are many important ingredient to creating a bicycle friendly community, an often over looked one is secure bike parking. Just like parking lots can induce automobile traffic, convenient bike parking can encourage cycling.
Indeed, providing bicycle parking is one of those small, incremental actions that have a disproportionately large impact. On a micro-scale, any small business owner can provide a reasonably secure, dry spot for people to park their bikes. For communities looking to accommodate the largest number of personal vehicles for the lowest price, bike parking is a small investment with a significant return on investment.
To help highlight this important aspect of cycling infrastructure, we invite you to share photographs of your favorite bike rack with the hashtag #goodbikerack. In addition to bike racks, feel fee to include examples of other exemplary bike parking infrastructure, such as bike corrals, lockers, or bike rooms
We also want to see examples of not-so-good bike racks that could be improved. If your know of a bike rack that could be improved, or moved to a better location, please share a picture of it with the hashtag #badbikerack along with a suggestion of how you think the bike parking could be improved.
- Between October 17 and 21 take pictures of good (or bad) bike racks in your community
- Upload your photos to Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #goodbike rack (or #badbikerack). If you do not have a Twitter or Instagram account, feel free to email us your submissions.
- Include a brief description of the bike rack, including what makes it a good (or bad) place to park a bicycle.
- Tell your friends about this event via social media. Share a link to our Strong Schools page so they can learn more.
- Visit our website on Friday, October 21 to view the top submissions.
Check out all our bike-related content here.
Top photo by Steve Chou Photos (stchou) on Flickr.