Today's SlackChat: Gracen Johnson

This week, we're inviting readers to join us for a series of conversations with our writers and staff on Slack. Today's SlackChat will be hosted by Gracen Johnson at 12pm CT.

Just log on and visit the #scheduled-slack-chat channel at the above times to join Gracen and other Strong Towns readers and staff in a discussion about our March Madness competition, plus other related topics. We'll see where the conversation takes us! Still to come this week, enjoy SlackChats with Strong Towns contributors and staff , Matthias LeyrerChuck Marohn and Rachel Quednau. See the full schedule below.

For an overview of how we're using Slack as a discussion platform, visit this page


(all times listed in Central Time Zone)

WEDNESDAY: Gracen Johnson at 12pm

THURSDAY: Chuck Marohn at 1:30pm

FRIDAY: Rachel Quednau at 10am, and Matthias Leyrer at 2pm