Our Top 5 Articles This Week

Here are the 5 pieces that were most popular on our site this week:

Why I Love Trader Joe's Parking Lots

Rachel Quednau, March 18, 2016

Notoriously bemoaned, Trader Joe's parking lots are known for their small size, tight spots & limited maneuvering areas. But that's actually a much better model than the wasted space that most grocery stores have in their parking lots.

The Strongest Town contest

March 21-25, 2016

Photo essays submitted by the Elite Eight in our Strongest Town contest topped the list this week with thousands of you voting for your favorite. Read them all here.

Understanding Growth

Charles Marohn, March 21, 2016

This series explores the writings of economist, Tomas Sedlacek, and the problem of our American addiction to growth.

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Strong Towns, March 23, 2016

Strong Towns member, Cory Johnston, sent us a photo (displayed at the top of this article) which clearly encapsulates the failure of local governments to provide proper pedestrian amenities. #PedestrianUnfriendly

Please, do not build that crosswalk

Gracen Johnson, March 23, 2016

Rather than allow for natural pedestrian movement and traffic calming, the town of Frederickton, New Brunswick, has recommended funnelling pedestrians into a signalized crosswalk so they can wait their turn to cross the street in an approved manner. That is the wrong answer to the right question.