Strong Towns to Host CNU Next Gen Debates

    As part of the 24th Congress for the New Urbanism, Chuck Marohn will host the annual NextGen debate on Friday, June 10, from 8-9:30pm. Strong Towns has had the privilege of hosting this event for several years in a row. It promises to be a fun, interactive evening in which participants will debate a key new urbanist topic (to be determined).  Beloved debate judges from last year will return this year. They include:

    • Hazel Borys, Principal at Placemakers
    • Howard Blackson, Urban Design & Community Planning Manager at Michael Baker International
    • R. John Anderson, Principal at Anderson Kim Architecture & Urban Design

    The debate is free and open to the public, so if you're in the area but aren't attending CNU, you can still join us. The event will be held at the Detroit Beer Company (1529 Broadway). 

    We're also pleased to announce that we will plan to live broadcast the debate on our website. More information to come.

    Check out info and video from last year's debate.

    (Top photo by Daniel Ebersole)