An interview with Andrew Hanegmon of Iron Range Makerspace

We can actually have a huge impact in our area... This would enable entrepreneurs to do so much more with their time.
— Andrew Hanegmon, on the Iron Range Makerspace idea
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Andrew Hanegmon is the founder of Iron Range Makerspace, a new venture that will connect residents with space, tools and community to build new businesses and create a better economic future for the region. In this in-person interview, Chuck Marohn talks with Andrew about how the organization got started and where it's headed now.

Check out our additional coverage of Andrew and the Makerspace.

If you're on the Range this week, you can catch Andrew today (Tuesday) on a tour of the future home of the Iron Range Makerspace. He'll also be speaking Thursday at 12pm in Virginia, on a panel entitled, "Building a Strong Economic Development Ecosystem in Your Town."