7 Key Perspectives on One-Way Streets
A recent Strong Towns article on one-way streets sparked a series of discussions on the drawbacks and benefits of one-way streets on our Slack forum, 19 Comments, and social media outlets. We've explored the topic of one-way streets several times on our website.
Here are 7 stories that offer differing perspectives on this issue, from a variety of cities and towns across the country. You might be especially interested in Andrew Price's defense of one-way streets.
In the rush to convert one-ways to two-ways, I worry we’re trending the wrong-way.
The other problem with one-way streets.
Maybe one-way to two-way street conversions aren't the silver bullet solution we make them out to be.
This is a home and a destination, not a place to pass through quickly on your way to somewhere else. The streets should be designed to reflect that.
A dramatic response to the one-way to two-way transformation shows just how impactful street design can be, and provides inspiration for other cities.
A textbook example of how to frame an argument for converting one-way streets to two-ways.
(Top photo by Calvin Smith)
When choosing between a narrow one-way couplet and a large stroad, one-ways get my vote every time.