Chuck Marohn interviewed on several podcasts

Founder of Strong Towns, Chuck Marohn was recently interviewed on several podcasts, offering the chance to share the Strong Towns message with new audiences and sparking interesting conversations about everything from artificial intelligence to public space.

First, Chuck Marohn and Lynn Richards (CEO of the Congress for the New Urbanism) discussed the future of cities in light of artificial intelligence on the AI Podcast created by NVIDIA and hosted by Michael Copeland. They talk about both the possibilities for growth and success through AI but also the potential pitfalls. As Chuck points out, AI has the potential to democratize the city planning process:

“Where AI can help us is actually looking at the way people live, because the way people live is very divorced from the process. We can go around our cities right now and see lots of places where people are walking and there are no sidewalks, and there’s like a goat path through the ditch.”

Chuck was also interviewed by Robert Stark in a conversation covering everything from antifragility to retrofitting suburbia to the history of Strong Towns.

Finally, this week he was interviewed for the Parksify podcast and that conversation will be published soon.

We appreciate the opportunity to connect with new listeners through these interviews. If you'd like to interview Chuck for your podcast or news source, please contact Rachel Quednau via

(Top image from AI podcast)