Top 5 Stories from the Week (Oct. 2-6, 2017)

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

Rules for the Uncomfortable

by Charles Marohn | October 2, 2017

There are rules you have when you are comfortable that make no sense when you are not.

How to Bike on a Stroad

by Kea Wilson | October 4, 2017

So much of our road education is about fear. A shift in mindset and approach could change that.

The "Bikes vs. Cars" Conversation gets us Nowhere.

by Rachel Quednau | October 3, 2017

When arguing in favor of bike infrastructure, it's time for a new tactic.

Why Walkability is not a Luxury

by Robert Steuteville | October 4, 2017

Walkable places are vital to health and welfare — and contrary to perceptions, they also reduce household costs.

3 Ways Shrinking Churches can Adapt

by Rachel Quednau | October 4, 2017

Religious congregations across the country are facing declining attendance. How can they become more resilient in a changing religious and economic landscape?

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