Take a Virtual Walking Tour with Chuck Marohn

Our cities are struggling financially, and a lot of that struggle is because we’ve tried to engineer our world to be experienced at 45 miles an hour. If we want to make it financially more productive, we actually have to focus on block-level stuff, which means focusing on people.
— Chuck Marohn

This fall, Strong Towns participated in a fantastic series of events in Santa Ana, California hosted by the Alliance for a Healthy Orange County. They were kind of enough to film one of those events — a walking tour of Santa Ana, led by President of Strong Towns Chuck Marohn — and we've got the footage to share with you today.

In this video, Chuck points out the subtle details in street design that make a space welcoming and safe for people, including some simple tactical projects that Santa Ana has recently employed. He also points out the street design decisions that can make people feel unsafe and unwelcome — jeopardizing the financial (and physical) wellbeing of the whole community.

Interested in having Chuck lead a live walking tour in your town? Visit this page to get started.

Eager for more Strong Towns videos? Find them all on our YouTube page.

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