Want a free Curbside Chat in your town?

We're upping the ante: The winner of this year's Strongest Town Contest will get a free visit from Chuck Marohn who will host a Curbside Chat in the 2017 strongest town and personally present the town's award certificate.* We were fortunate to be able to offer this to last year's Strongest Town Contest winner—Carlisle, PA—by a stroke of luck. This year we want to do it again.

So if you've been thinking, My town's not strong enough; I shouldn't even bother participating, think again. Give it a shot. No town's perfect, but every town has something to offer. We want to see how your town shines.

Get your nominations in by Friday (Feb. 17) in order to be a contender. Contest rules and details here.

(A Curbside Chat typically costs $1500 plus travel expenses, so this is a pretty awesome deal.)

*Note: While the contest is open to anyone in the world, we can only offer the Curbside Chat in the continental United States due to the small budget of our organization.