Top Stories from the Week (July 17-21, 2017)

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

Where is our republic headed? 

by Charles Marohn | July 17, 2017

The line between optimism and reality can be a fine one to walk.

Dear Local Media, Stop Misreporting on Community "Concerns"

by Rachel Quednau | July 17, 2017

If there's public perception that a new development is opposed, then opposition will grow—even if the initial outcry was only coming from a few loud, angry people.

A History of Zoning, Part II: The Problem Zoning Solves

by Spencer Gardner | July 18, 2017

The real impetus for the invention of zoning regulations was a desire to protect and enshrine the single-family home as the most virtuous and sacrosanct urban form.

A Tale of Two Islands

by Kea Wilson | July 19, 2017

You can build a whole island designed for human-scaled transport, but if there’s no feedback mechanism to tell people not to bring their cars, they'll just drive anyway.

How to do Real Public Engagement

by Dana DeMaster | July 19, 2017

Yes, it's possible to have a community meeting where resident voices are heard, while experts and professionals get their say as well. Here are several tips for how to do that.

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(Top photo by Freddie Marriage)

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