Top 5 Stories This Week (August 7-11, 2017)

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

California Housing Crisis

by Charles Marohn | August 7, 2017

It's only a matter of time before California finds itself in another bust cycle, where the emergency of rising prices gives way to the catastrophe of falling prices—where the manic cycle ends and the depressive cycle begins.

The Millennial Housing Shortage Fallacy

by Pete Saunders | August 8, 2017

If young urbanists are serious about moving back to the city, maybe they ought to consider more of the city to live in.

Even in a more bike-friendly city, bikers are far from safe.

by Rachel Quednau | August 9, 2017

A bike commuter is attacked on his way to work and the aftermath illustrates a common reality in American cities.

The Little Law Office That Could

by Rachel Quednau | August 10, 2017

Earlier this year, our friends at Urban3 showed us something so ridiculous and so indicative of our current land use problems that we had to share it with you...

Local Food: Turning Your Greens into Greenbacks

by Brian Williams | August 7, 2017

10 realistic ways to support a local food system in your town. (Hint: Stop focusing on farmers markets.)

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(Top photo by Andrew Price)

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