Vote for Chuck Marohn in the "Most Influential Urbanists" List

We were deeply flattered to see our very own founder and president, Chuck Marohn, nominated to a list of the Most Influential Urbanists crowdsourced by Planetizen. 

A little back-story on the list:

A few weeks ago, Planetizen put out a call for nominees for the title of "Most Influential Urbanist," and via Facebook, Twitter, and email, our audience produced almost 200 nominees.

We added an extra layer of consideration to the request: that the 2017 version of this crowdsourcing activity reflect the diversity of the many related fields of urbanism—both in demographic considerations like age and gender, and also in the many forms that urbanism can take. In doing so, we hoped to produce a list of nominees that broadens the discussion about what it means to influence the future of cities and communities. There again, the audience delivered [...]

Now for the fun part. We have created a survey that allows anyone and everyone to rank the "Most Influential Urbanists" from the following list of nominees.

We'd love it if you could take a minute to cast your votes for the Most Influential Urbanists and, if you're so inclined, include Chuck on your ballot.

We also congratulate the numerous friends and members of Strong Towns who are on the list, especially our partner in crime, Joe Minicozzi. Please take some time to learn about these fantastic people and give them your support. Many have been featured on the Strong Towns Podcast previously so check out our archives if you want to get to know them better.

See the full list of nominees and then vote here!