What's the one thing you want to know most about the Strong Towns approach?

Whether you’re a Strong Towns devotee or a total newbie, we bet you’ve got a few questions about our vision for your town. That’s because we designed it that way. Strong Towns isn’t a one-size-fits-all ideology, or a political platform, or anything as simple is that. Instead, we’re a movement of people that challenge one another to ask a different set of questions about the way we plan, build and finance the world we live in—and that means that we want you to have to work a little bit to find the answers that work for your unique place.

But of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t help.

On Friday, November 16th, we’re returning with the November edition of Ask Strong Towns. This is your chance to ask our president, Chuck Marohn, and me, Kea Wilson, anything that’s on your mind. Want to know what Strong Towns would think of your town’s latest transit project? This is your chance to ask. Not sure about the whole incremental development thing? Let’s have a conversation about it.

Only Strong Towns members can participate in the live Q&A (members, an email invite is coming at you soon!) but anyone can pre-submit a question right here. That said, this webcast will be capping off our biannual member drive. So you probably want to join up so you can take part in what I’m sure will be a lively chat.

Will we see you there?