5 Most Popular Stories This Week (Feb. 19-23, 2018)

Here's what got the most reads on our site this week:

1. Low-Cost Pop-up Shops Create Big Value in Muskegon, Michigan

by Rachel Quednau | February 20, 2018

It's amazing what we can do when we think small.

2. In much of Ferguson, walking in the street remains the only option

by Aubrey Byron | February 20, 2018

Michael Brown was stopped by police for walking in the street. A lack of sidewalks makes this the daily reality for many Ferguson residents. 

3. Financing Infrastructure with Value Capture: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

by Rick Rybeck | February 21, 2018

The phrase "value capture" has been tossed around a lot lately. Here's what it does and doesn't mean.

4. Can Austin Keep Streets Weird (and Safe)?

by Heyden Black Walker & Jay Blazek Crossley | February 21, 2018

As the population shifts in Austin, decisions about the future of the city's streets will have significant impacts for generations to come.

5. 4 Problems with the Way Governments Communicate about Public Meetings

by Rachel Quednau | February 21, 2018

Plus one simple solution.