Top 5 Stories from the Week (March 12-16, 2018)

Here's what was most popular on our site this week:

1. The Parking Problem that Wasn't

by Rachel Quednau | March 14, 2018

Communities across the country have found that resistance to parking minimum removals quickly fades when the facts are on the table and the benefits are made clear.

2. Portland Doesn't Really Want to Make Housing Affordable

by Joe Cortright | March 14, 2018

Actions speak louder than words; blocking new housing will drive up rents.

3. A New Vision for our Streets: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

by Alex Pemberton

A completely preventable traffic death shows us how street design makes our cities unsafe, and how simple adjustments could change that.

4. A City Under Pressure

by Shannon Graham | March 15, 2018

A small, geographically constrained community considers how to deal with a massive influx of new residents — and how to keep things affordable for everyone in the process.

5. The Strongest Town Contest

Voting continued this week with 8 towns competing through a series of photos. 4 will now advance to next week's round. Check back Tuesday to vote.

Have a great weekend!