Our Top 5 Stories from the Week (July 2-6, 2018)

Here's what was most popular on the site this week. Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. How Property Taxes Shape Our Cities

by Connor Nielsen | July 2, 2018

Taxation is a powerful planning tool, whether we want it to be or not.

2. Let's Do This First

by Charles Marohn | July 2, 2018

We earn the right to do big things by doing the little things well.

3. How Zoning Is Holding Your Neighborhood Back

by Austin Maitland & Nolan Gray | July 5, 2018

Why is your city dotted with vacant lots? Probably because it’s functionally illegal to build on them.

4. 3 Major Problems with Parking Minimums

by Rachel Quednau | July 3, 2018

Parking minimums might sound dull, but they have an enormous impact on the financial success of your city and understanding why is crucial.

5. We Should Be Building Cities for People, Not Cars

by Devon Marisa Zuegel | July 3, 2018

Our transportation system has solely focused on automobile traffic flow as its metric of success. For the sake of our economic and physical health, that needs to change.