"What's the best time to add a sidewalk?" ...and other questions from Strong Towns readers.

This week we hosted our Ask Strong Towns web broadcast where we invite our member to ask questions and we — at least Chuck and Kea — do our best to provide an answer.

This month, we took on a lot of your most frequent questions—and a few surprises. Is it a lost cause to put in sidewalks in a suburbanizing place? What to do when your transportation funding referendum fails, but the roads are still crumbling? How should we handle the failing suburbs—and the people left behind there?

They also talked about how macroeconomic policy is impacting housing prices at the local level (hint: not in a healthy way.) And then they took questions on “corporate predators” like big box retail, and how towns can avoid becoming a victims of their own success.


Thank you to all our members who submitted questions and participated live in the broadcast. If your question didn’t get answered, we’ll hang on to it for next time—or feel free to submit a new question right here.

If you’d like to participate in the next Ask Strong Towns and ask your question live, sign up to become a member. You’ll not only be kept in the loop on these broadcasts and other special offers from Strong Towns; you’ll be supporting a movement that is changing everything about the way we talk about cities, growth, and public investments.