Top 5 Stories from the Week (Sept 3–Sept 7, 2018)

Here's our top content from the week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. But Rich People Live Here, So We Can’t Be Going Broke!

by Daniel Herriges | September 5, 2018

If your growth strategy only works as long as wealthy people live in your town, your growth strategy is deeply fragile.

2. Why We Need to Talk About Car Aggression

by Aubrey Byron | August 31, 2018

As a cycling advocate, I avoid talking about the times when riding a bike in the city is scary, because I don’t want to deter would-be new riders from giving it a try. There’s only one problem with pretending I’m never afraid: it isn’t true.

3. What Does Incrementalism Actually Mean?

by Andrew Price | September 6, 2018

Incremental approaches are often cheaper, faster, or have less risk than sudden approaches. Let’s explore different types of incrementalism.

4. Crony Capitalism

by Charles Marohn | September 4, 2018

If we want to fix crony capitalism, what we really need is to localize capital.

5. Bird Cages

by Joe Nickol | September 4, 2018

A tactical urbanism success in Cincinnati demonstrates the ability to solve problems on our streets—in this case, parking for dockless scooters—by rapidly prototyping solutions in low-cost, low-risk ways.