Top 5 Recent Stories (October 14-October 18)

Here's our most popular recent content.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. It’s Not Just Parking Minimums That Can Shrink

by Doug Bojack | October 11, 2019

Many thoughtful urbanists want to #endparkingminimums. We do too. But there’s something else we can address. It’s a relatively small change that can have a big impact…and it could be a good first step to getting rid of parking minimums altogether.

2. The Foolproof City

by Charles Marohn | October 14, 2019

The most brilliant innovations in building cities are already embodied in the traditional development pattern, a foolproof approach to creating resilient and productive places that was developed the hard way.

3. The March of Build-It-And-They-Will-Come Suburbia

by Daniel Herriges | October 16, 2019

The problem with new American suburbs isn’t a "lack of planning" or “uncontrolled growth” or “inadequate infrastructure.” The problem is a lack of basic financial solvency.

4. No Longer Hiding

by Preston Pouteaux | October 15, 2019

An unusual cultural practice in the Netherlands reveals the benefits of seeing your neighborhood…and being seen by it.

5. Strong Towns Member Leads a DIY Value Per Acre Analysis

by Jacob Moses | October 14, 2019

Strong Towns member Andrew Kelsey shares how you can create a value per acre analysis for your city or town—no matter your skill level.

Top photo via Angelo DeSantis.