Top 5 Recent Stories (October 21-October 25)

Here's our most popular recent content.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. We Used to Just Call These “Houses”

by Daniel Herriges | October 21, 2019

We used to have a different name for the modest dwellings that now get labeled “tiny houses.” For most of history, this was simply a house—a low-cost way for people to put down roots in a place and begin to grow some wealth for themselves and the neighborhood.

2. Why Decline Is Not Normal

by Charles Marohn | October 21, 2019

We have to stop looking at the stagnation and decline of our blocks and neighborhoods as a normal part of the development process.

3. What Does a Strong Towns Master Plan Look Like?

by Kevin Klinkenberg | October 22, 2019

Our preference for the incremental, iterative, and bottom-up is well-known. But does that mean there is no room for big dreams and master plans?

4. “A High School Education and an Hour of Your Time”

by Daniel Herriges | October 23, 2019

Those two things are all you should need to be able to make sense of your city's zoning code. At least that's the philosophy guiding South Bend, IN planners as they overhaul the city's regulations to be more legible and useful.

5. Why Is the “Miracle on 14th Street” Bus Rapid Transit Line Such a Miracle

by Strong Towns | October 18, 2019

New York’s newest BRT line is being called the “Miracle on 14th Street.” But why is it so miraculous?