Top 5 Stories from the Week (Jan 28–Feb 1, 2019)

Here's our most popular content this week.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. One Line of Your Zoning Code Can Make a World of Difference

by Aaron Qualls | January 31, 2019

Sandpoint, Idaho eliminated its downtown parking minimums 10 years ago. Since then, at least four projects that could not otherwise have happened have brought new vibrancy and economic productivity to downtown.

2. The Neighborhood Traffic Trade-Off

by Daniel Herriges | January 30, 2019

We’ve gotten very good at keeping traffic off of neighborhood streets. But at what cost to our cities?

3. Your Questions Answered: Is TIF Always Bad?

by Jacob Moses & Daniel Herriges | January 25, 2019

Every week we spotlight one answer from the Strong Towns Knowledge Base. This week: what do we think about tax-increment financing (TIF), and why?

4. Scooter Lessons: Success, but a Stark Double Standard

by Joe Cortright | January 29, 2019

Data shows Portland’s scooter experiment worked. Maybe it’s time to critically appraise the 110 year experiment with cars.

5. Living with the Other

by Charles Marohn | January 28, 2019

How do we build Strong Towns in a culture of outrage?

(Cover photo: Julie Meyer / Belwood 301)