Announcing the Winners of Round 2 in our Strongest Town Contest!

Well, this one was a nail-biter! Round 2 of our fourth annual Strongest Town Contest is complete, and boy, were all of these races close.

With just over 5,500 votes cast, the people have spoken, and here’s who’s moving on:

  • Guthrie, Oklahoma (55%) vs. Nelson, British Columbia (45%)

  • Pensacola, Florida (52%) vs. Delray Beach, Florida (48%)

  • Safety Harbor, Florida (51%) vs. Erwin, Tennessee (49%)

  • Portsmouth, New Hampshire (50.4%) vs. New Rochelle, New York (49.6%)

Congratulations to our final four cities, as well as a thank you and best wishes to Nelson, Delray Beach, Erwin, and New Rochelle—you all wowed us with your stories and photos and we hope to see you back in next year’s contest!

Things get a little more interactive from here on out. On Tuesday, April 2nd, we will publish brief podcast interviews with representatives of the four semifinalist towns, and voting will be open from Tuesday until noon (CDT) on Friday, April 5th.

Here's our updated bracket: