Top 5 Recent Stories (September 16 - September 20, 2019)

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1. Four Ways Traffic Engineers Thwart Public Will

by Charles Marohn | September 16, 2019

Public officials trying to make their city’s street more humane are often thwarted by the professional engineers giving them advice. If that’s your city, it’s time to make a change.

2. Think Buses and Trains are Empty? Take a Look at Rural Highways

by Arian Horbovetz | September 17, 2019

Skeptics cite empty buses and trains as proof that public transit isn’t worth the investment. But what if they applied their same standard to our rural highways?

3. Want to Show People What Their City Could Be? Build It.

by Daniel Herriges | September 17, 2019

A leading infill developer in Victoria, BC is building beautiful homes that address the housing crisis and make neighborhoods stronger. They’re also changing the conversation about what’s possible.

4. This Neighborhood in Germany Shows Us Why American Planned Communities are So Abysmal

by Taylor Dotson | September 18, 2019

We all know the pitfalls of master-planned communities, right? Sterile. Homogenous. Certainly not adaptable or resilient over time. Is there a way around it? Maybe, if this fascinating case study from Germany has anything to teach us. And it all starts with one word: Baugruppen.

5. How to Become More Attached to Your City

by Steve MacDouell | September 16, 2019

Want to feel a deeper attachment to the neighborhood you call home? Here are six action items guaranteed to connect you with neighbors and inspire creative ways to leverage your resources for the common good.

Top photo via Pontus Wellgraf.