The Bottom-Up Revolution is... Helping Young People Prepare for the Future
Latoya Wilson
Welcome back to another episode of the Bottom-Up Revolution Podcast.
Today’s guest was on an episode of It’s the Little Things, this show’s former iteration, but we brought her back because she’s working on some cool new initiatives. Her name is Latoya Wilson and she’s based in New Jersey.
A Strong Towns member, her efforts are focused on workforce development, particularly in helping young people find vocations in science, technology, engineering and math fields. We see her work being aligned with Strong Towns goals around supporting local businesses and encouraging a thriving local economy. (A brief note: We recorded this last year and we’re just now getting it out so bear with us if we have some 2020 references.)
At the end of the episode, we also hear from a listener about the impact last week’s show with Cary Westerbeck had on him. And we share this week’s big Strong Towns announcement about our new Action Lab—where you can search for resources, read success stories and case studies, and get help with the efforts you’re undertaking to build a strong town where you live.
Additional Show Notes
Listen to Latoya on a previous episode of It’s the Little Things (our old podcast)
Send us your own voicemail about the small (or big) thing you’re doing to make your town stronger. Just record a voice memo on your phone and email it to
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