Top 5 Recent Stories (January 13-January 17)

Here's our most popular recent content.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. Deadwood and Strong Towns

by DJ Sullivan | January 14, 2020

The Strong Towns approach to development, as seen in HBO’s “Deadwood.”

2. What Should My City Do About Our Infrastructure Backlog?

by Charles Marohn | January 13, 2020

If your community has a huge backlog of unfunded infrastructure maintenance — and it’s the rare one that doesn’t — there are some basic and obvious steps that need to be taken.

3. It's Time to Stop Repeating This Damaging Myth About Traffic

by Daniel Herriges | January 15, 2020

No, you’re not stuck in congestion because your city’s infrastructure is “inadequate” to handle growth.

4. We're not going to build more Main Street towns. Here's one way to move on.

by Johnny Sanphillippo | January 15, 2020

What if the “beautiful dream” of a Main Street urbanism isn’t available? What can be done to adapt that dream to auto-dependent suburbs? More than you might expect.

5. “Jaywalking” Shouldn’t Even Be a Thing

by Daniel Herriges | January 14, 2020

Jaywalking laws do little for public safety—but they do reinforce the idea that city streets are for cars, and they result in harassment of otherwise law-abiding citizens. It’s time to do away with the whole notion of jaywalking.

Top photo of 1876 Deadwood via Wikipedia.