Top 5 Recent Stories (January 27-January 31)

Here's our most popular recent content.  Sign up for our email list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday.

1. How Much Does a Mile of Road Actually Cost?

by Strong Towns | January 27, 2020

How much does a mile of road actually cost. Answers from the Federal Highway Administration… as well as two things to keep in mind if you’re an advocate looking to push your city, county, or state DOT to make responsible infrastructure decisions.

2. Church to be Demolished for Self-Storage Facility

by Charles Marohn | January 27, 2020

If you want to lay up treasures for yourself in Roseville, Michigan, you’ll soon have a new option. But it comes at a high cost to the wallet (and soul) of the community.

3. In Defense of Dumb Cities

by Michael McGinn | January 23, 2020

Investing in a supposedly “smart” future won’t overcome the failure to get the “dumb” stuff right. The former mayor of Seattle explains.

4. Combating Loneliness in Italy with “Social Streets”

by Preston Pouteaux | January 23, 2020

A father in Italy created a local Facebook group to help his son find playmates in their neighborhood. It sparked a national movement to create more “Social Streets.”

5. Who’s Afraid of New Apartments?

by Daniel Herriges | January 23, 2020

More research from the Upjohn Institute, following an attention-grabbing study last year, helps us understand the cause-and-effect chains that result when a new apartment building opens in a low-income area.

Top image via Unsplash.