This Is How the Strong Towns Movement Becomes “Unignorable”
Strong Towns members at an event.
This week we are celebrating a million local heroes. While some of these heroes are “flying solo,” an increasing number of Strong Towns advocates are discovering that the work of building stronger and more resilient cities is more effective, more sustainable, and frankly more fun when it is done with others. Consider Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, or Thor. There’s a lot they can do on their own—but look how powerful they become when they join forces as the Avengers.
All around the U.S. and Canada, Strong Towns members are gathering together to talk about the Strong Towns approach and how it can be used to make their communities stronger. We call these groups Local Conversations. There are currently 126 Local Conversations. The thing is, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout this year, Strong Towns staff have been listening to these groups, learning from and supporting them, and laying the groundwork for something big.
In this special episode of the Strong Towns Podcast, Chuck Marohn and I talk about the Local Conversations program. We discuss how the first Local Conversations came to be, what’s changed, and how the Strong Towns organization is coming alongside these groups in new ways. WE also talk about a five-year goal that once seemed far-fetched to me, but which now seems entirely feasible: 1,000 Strong Towns Local Conversations.
With so many Local Conversations spread out around North America, the Strong Towns movement will become unignorable. When that happens, it will be thanks to the support of our members. Strong Towns’ efforts to help start and support Local Conversations is only possible because of our members, whose contributions are expanding the movement. Will you help us grow the movement today?
John Pattison is the Community Builder for Strong Towns. In this role, he works with advocates in hundreds of communities as they start and lead local Strong Towns groups called Local Conversations. John is the author of two books, most recently Slow Church (IVP), which takes inspiration from Slow Food and the other Slow movements to help faith communities reimagine how they live life together in the neighborhood. He also co-hosts The Membership, a podcast inspired by the life and work of Wendell Berry, the Kentucky farmer, writer, and activist. John and his family live in Silverton, Oregon. You can connect with him on Twitter at @johnepattison.
Want to start a Local Conversation, or implement the Strong Towns approach in your community? Email John.