My Letter to the Minnesota Board of Engineering Licensure
Tomorrow, the Minnesota board of engineering licensure will hold a hearing to determine what final action, if any, they will take against me in our ongoing court case. If you’ve been out of the loop: Last year we filed a lawsuit against the Board, but it was dismissed until the state’s process was completed. The administrative judge declined to rule on the constitutional issues, which now will be heard by an appeals court if things go poorly tomorrow. There are no other avenues for our case to be heard until the Board renders a final decision.
Throughout this process, I have dealt with the violation committee—a subset of the full licensing board—but never with the Board itself. My hope is that the full board focuses on the law and the issues at hand and not on the inappropriate matters the violation committee chose to focus on. If they do that, this case will be dismissed.
I wrote a letter to the Board urging them to do so, explaining to them the issues from our perspective, and representing the priorities of the Strong Towns Board, our membership, and our movement in getting this resolved. Below is a copy of that letter, as well as our attorney’s objection to the Board.
My letter to the board. Click to view.
Our attorney’s objection to the board. Click to view.
(Cover image source: Unsplash.)
On this episode of the Strong Towns Podcast, Chuck discusses street safety with Melany Alliston, a project manager and civil engineer with Toole Design.