Less than 20% of the country lives in regions with high-quality transit systems that serve most of the population. There is a stark divide between the six or eight large metros that are the most urban in the United States, and everywhere else.
Read MoreArchitects and CNU leaders, Andres Duany and Kevin Klinkenberg pull back the curtain on Savannah, GA.
Read MoreWhy are our cities so spread out, struggling to pay their basic maintenance bills? A look at our history can tell us a lot.
Read MoreWhat you think you know about public preference (for a certain style of home, neighborhood, etc.) is all wrong.
Read MoreThe rise of technology is slowly emptying out our malls and business parks. They could be put to better use... if we actually wanted to solve the problem.
Read MoreOver the last 70 years, our cities and towns have spread out in a way that our forebears never dreamed of, and that future generations will never be able to pay for.
Read MoreOn the surface, mortgages appear to be a mostly free market enterprise, but the system masks a huge amount of government intervention.
Read MoreIt's time to put these common misconceptions about suburban America to rest.
Read MoreWhen a city zones for sparse land uses, it's forcing people in other municipalities with no say in the decision to subsidize this choice.
Read MoreProvo, UT is undertaking a grand experiment in suburbanizing a public high school. Here are 3 major problems with that plan.
Read MorePonder what life will be like following another decade or two of inversion, with society’s arrangements -- no longer able to be propped up by an expanding state. Consider an America where the affluent inhabit our core cities and the poor are left behind on our suburbanized outskirts.
Read MoreFor a few weeks, I’m visiting my family back in London, Ontario. This means, for a few weeks I am living on a cul-de-sac in a subdivision surrounded by other subdivisions, close to an arterial lined with shopping plazas, gas stations, drive-thrus, strip malls, an upscale enclosed shopping mall, and a big box centre.
Read MoreOur national economy is "all in" on the suburban experiment. We cannot sustain the trajectory we are on, but we've gone too far down the path to turn back.
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