Strong Towns Successes: Events Across the Continent
For the last several years, Chuck Marohn has been traveling the North American continent, delivering Curbside Chats and other presentations, tailored to everything from tiny towns like Carlton Landing, OK and Lake Ozark, MO to big cities like Salt Lake City and Toronto. Since last July, over 6,000 people have heard the Strong Towns message in person through our events in 23 states and Canada.

They heard the Strong Towns message in community meetings, in national conferences, in schools and libraries and city council chambers. Many of these events were free and open to the public, making the Strong Towns message accessible to audiences of diverse backgrounds.
When Strong Towns hosts an event, we do more than just show up and give a presentation. We connect with our members in the area ahead of time to learn about the place. We ask leaders in the community what sort of message is most needed there. We reach out to local press to get the word out. When we arrive, we meet with local officials, host member meet-ups, and get to know the town.
Here's some feedback from our recent events.
“Strong Towns brought a fresh perspective to the conversation about urbanism and healthy development in Duluth, and we hope they will come back to visit soon!”
“Strong Towns brought a unique balance of planning and engineering to our event. For the first time, I had a local engineer approach me and say ‘Chuck just helped me understand why we need to design streets for people, not cars.’”
“The Strong Towns/Urban3 legacy in Santa Rosa is very much alive and well; I see the new city manager embracing your ideas... The urban growth boundary advocates and the open space corridor fans also applaud your concepts for urban infill. More buffer zones are on the ballot for expansion this fall (surrounding present urban growth boundaries) and the SMART train is scheduled to debut. [...] Chuck Marohn and Joe Minicozzi made a great, positive impression on our community with lasting effects.”

Photo from a Strong Towns event in Austin, TX
“I was first introduced to Chuck Marohn when I heard him speak at the BuildMaine event. That presentation, and my subsequent reading of Chuck’s work, has had a profound, paradigm-shifting and energizing impact on my thinking about economic/community development.”
Here's where we've been this year. You can also see our upcoming events or request your own.
If you've attended a Strong Towns event and appreciate the message we shared, consider making your commitment to this movement official by becoming a member today.