This Week's Slackchat: Open Resource Sharing

Source: Gracen Johnson

Is there a resource that would help you build Strong Towns that you wish you had? Have you come across a helpful guide or training that has made you a stronger citizen?

This week, we're taking some time to brainstorm ideas and share resources to help each other build Strong Towns. The best ideas we come up with during this chat may be turned into resources on our site in the future.

Strong Towns staff member Rachel Quednau and Kea Wilson will host the discussion. Everyone is invited to participate. 

This chat will take place on Slack at 1:30pm CT on Friday, September 29.

Just log onto Slack and visit the #scheduled-slack-chat channel at the scheduled time to join Rachel, Kea and Strong Towns members and readers in a lively discussion. We'll see where the conversation takes us!

If you're not yet part of our Slack, take 30 seconds to request an invitation and we'll get you set up for the chat.