A Game-Changing Resource for Local Leaders
The Local Leader’s Toolkit is a free eBook that will be available on Wednesday, May 20. But members, as well as attendees of Tuesday’s webinar, will get an advanced copy.
The COVID-19 crisis is revealing just how fragile our local economies always were. Returning to the status quo isn’t an option. Now is the time to build your Strong Town.
On Wednesday, Strong Towns is releasing a free resource we think could be a game-changer for local leaders during this time of crisis. We’re calling it The Local Leader’s Toolkit: A Strong Towns Response to the Pandemic.
In this new eBook, Strong Towns president Chuck Marohn lays out the three phases of how to emerge from the crisis stronger, more prosperous, and more resilient than ever before. It really is possible, and it is local leaders who will make it happen.
Chuck gets specific with action steps and shifts in thinking leaders will need. These include short-term tasks (the first 60 days), medium-term tasks (months three through twelve), and long-range tasks (Year 2 and beyond). Follow these steps and you’ll stabilize your community and lay the groundwork for the strongest possible recovery.
Five years now, certain communities will stand out as the towns and cities that emerged strongest from the pandemic. And everyone will know the names of the local leaders who responded to the crisis with courage, wisdom, and vision. That could be your city, and you could be one of those leaders.
As we said, The Local Leader’s Toolkit officially comes out on Wednesday, but you can get it sooner. Tomorrow, Strong Towns staff—including Chuck Marohn, Rachel Quednau, and Daniel Herriges—are diving into the Strong Towns response to COVID-19 in a free webcast. Strong Towns members and folks who attend the webcast will get an advanced copy of the eBook.
Free Webcast
May 19TH
12 p.m. CDT
The Strong Towns approach to building more financially resilient cities has never felt more urgent than it does right now.
To help spread our message during this critical time, we’ve started to do weekly or biweekly webcasts. These feature Strong Towns staff as well as leaders—Joe Minicozzi, Quint Studer, and more—doing vital work. Thousands of people have attended these webcasts. In fact, as of this writing, there are more than a thousand already registered for tomorrow’s webcast.
Yet to reach as many people as possible in this pivotal moment, we need your support. That’s why we’re asking you to consider making a donation during Member Week.
Any amount you can give helps grow the movement.