This park has served its purpose and now it's time to move on to the next phase of its life: as a mixed-use development that will support local businesses and bring more people downtown—to stay.
Read MoreThis is the latest in our series of member profiles. Today, we're featuring Lisa Nisenson, one of the creators behind the popular game, Cards Against Urbanity.
Read MoreWe've partnered with Island Press, an urbanist and environmentally focused publishing house that shares many of our values, to give our members discounts on select book titles.
Read MoreLearn about upcoming webcasts on transit-centered street design, creative ways to engage people on urbanist issues and redeveloping old industrial brownfield sites.
Read MoreAs part of "Strong Citizens" week, we're offering a member-exclusive webinar exploring the decision to run for elected office. Our panelists will explore some of the factors that go into that decision and the role of elected officials in making our communities strong.
Read MoreWe’re excited to kick off a new regular series featuring profiles of our members. We're starting off with Mike Gingerich from Kankakee, IL.
Read More50.3% to 49.7%. That was the result of the matchup between Holland, MI and Fargo, ND - the closest first round matchup in our Strongest Town competition. Here's a comparison of these two strong towns.
Read MoreWe’re incredibly excited to announce the latest addition to our 2016 Member Webinar Series: Performing a Value Per Acre Analysis with Joshua McCarty at Urban3. Mark your calendars!
Read MoreWhile doing some research for a potential Strong Towns visit to the Bay Area, I was introduced to Ian Ross with OppSites. OppSites helps communities connect with developers to spur infill development projects.
Read MoreThinking about blogging? Check out our webinar for tips and our member blogroll for inspiration.
Read MoreThe current auto-oriented development pattern is already wreaking havoc on local budgets. That will only get worse in the ensuing years. Another harsh reality we’re starting to face is the aging of our population. The ramifications of having a large population aging in suburbia will be increasingly hard to ignore.
Read MoreWe’re very excited to announce the latest installment in our member webinar series: A Discussion on Highway Spending and Congestion with Todd Litman
Read MoreToo often conversations around winter biking focus on the perceived danger and discomfort. But let's not forget the many benefits.
Read MoreFour tips for making winter biking doable and fun. Hint: You don't need to spend thousands of dollars on special gear to do it.
Read MoreWe're excited to offer a series of webinars in 2016 for Strong Towns members. We'll start in January with one focused on blogging. This is an excellent opportunity if you’re thinking about starting your own blog or looking for tips and ideas for an existing blog.
Read MoreFor city nerds, tech geeks, policy wonks, and entrepreneurs alike – Listen to this fascinating podcast with Gabe Klein, former head of Chicago and DC departments of transportation.
Read MoreWhat happens when you get rid of minimum parking requirements in a downtown district while also adding 4,500 people to the downtown?
Read MoreIf you haven’t checked out our podcast yet, I can not recommend it highly enough. Here are some of my favorite episodes from 2015.
Read MoreWhat happens when you get rid of minimum parking requirements in a downtown district while also adding 4,500 people to the downtown?
Read MoreLast week we hit an important milestone, reaching the 1,000 member mark.
Here's an updated list of top performing states.
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