“I'm honestly not sure if I should support this trend or fight it.”
Read MoreIn my tourist town, roundabouts are being offered as a “solution” to congestion. Will they actually accomplish this goal?
Read MoreHow does the process for planning and building a street actually work and when am I, as a citizen, able to participate in the decision-making?
Read MoreWill multimodal infrastructure save our region money on maintenance, leaving more funding to address flooding and drainage issues?
Read MoreA new street is being completed. Does it need bike lanes to be safe for cyclists or is it okay without them?
Read MoreOur public works department utilizes outdated, suburban-type engineering judgment when calculating "sight triangles" in my walkable downtown. How can we avoid sacrificing on-street parking at the altar of out-of-context design rules?
Read MoreSidewalks in my hilly, non-grid-based town are inconsistent at best and nonexistent in many areas. How can I make my town more walk-friendly?
Read MoreMy city leaders keep insisting we need more parking. How can I, as a citizen, make the case for less?
Read MoreA local engineer told me striping was supposed to make the street safer, but it feels like it has had the opposite effect. Is there any evidence to suggest that striping a center line on residential streets actually improves safety or slows drivers down?
Read MoreReaders ask, What's the best crosswalk for my intersection? R. Moses' answer may surprise you.
Read MoreHow can I parse through the engineering jargon to determine if my town's infrastructure really needs replacement or if it just needs maintenance and rehabilitation?
Read MoreA reader asks how traffic counts work and for how long they are valid, in the hopes of implementing a road diet in her town. R. Moses answers.
Read MoreA reader asks whether roundabouts make pedestrians safer or less safe than standard intersections. R. Moses answers.
Read MoreA Strong Towns reader asks, "Why are center turn lanes often as wide or wider than through travel lanes? I would love to use that extra space for bike lanes." And R. Moses answers.
Read MoreOur new advice column hosted by the one and only R. Moses, invites your questions on engineering issues in your town or city.
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