You cannot build a place of enduring value that isn't homey, that isn't loved.
Read MoreAustin's Neighborhood Partnering Program gives neighborhoods the tools and financial support they need to implement small-scale improvements in their community.
Read MoreWhat would it take to keep us in the place where we grew up? Or if we do move, what characteristics of a place would lead us to decide to settle in?
Read MoreThis week Chuck Marohn was invited to the White House to talk about rural placemaking with leaders from around the country.
Read MoreSomewhere inside you is that childlike itch to make-believe or draw funny faces on things. Play is such an amazing way to engage with the city and people around us. It creates an atmosphere of light-heartedness and curiosity. It humanizes an environment instantly and can lend your city a sense of humour. It's also good for you!
Read MoreLast week, I was asked to join a panel discussion posed with the question, What role does placemaking have in building sustainable communities? This gave me a great excuse to break down and map out my personal theory of change. Here it is: love and working together. Have no doubt, the triteness is not lost on me - I grimace even writing this, but I really believe there's something to it.
Read MoreSome of the best from contributor Andrew Price, including our favorite: Places and non-Places.
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