Posts tagged placemaking
While You Wait: 3 Ways To Make Your City More Joyful, Hopeful and Active This Advent

Advocacy work means a lot of waiting and hoping for a better future. That makes it a lot like Advent (the weeks before Christmas on the Christian calendar). But waiting during Advent isn’t discouraging or boring: It’s hopeful, active and joyful. Here are a few ways to bring that approach to your community, whether you celebrate Christmas or not.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Improving Downtown Success by Building Experiences

Jaime Izurieta is an architect, designer and author who focuses on the interaction between users and the built environment. He joins host Tiffany Owens Reed to discuss the importance of designing experiences and how local leaders can make their downtowns more successful.

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The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Helping Incremental Developers Make Better Places Part 1

Jennifer Krouse is a real estate strategist and the CEO of an architectural publishing house. She joins the podcast today to talk about the ways stock plans make incremental development easier and less risky, the art of placecraft, and the importance of places being productive.

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