For extreme events, we can't measure risk, but we can measure fragility. Cities that want to protect themselves from extreme events need to become less fragile. They need to adopt a Strong Towns approach.
Read MoreAnyone suggesting that more wetlands or more pervious surfaces would have done anything to mitigate what has happened in Houston is lacking a proper sense of scale.
Read MoreThese 5 harmful myths about Houston's land use planning need to be put to rest.
Read MoreLast week, three government staffers from Fate, TX led an excellent, educational webcast for Strong Towns members about how to do the math on proposed developments in your town. The recording is now available to watch.
Read MoreIf America's dysfunctional approach to transportation is going to be solved, it's going to have to be solved in places that look like Tulsa.
Read MoreA brilliant application of Strong Towns thinking highlighted at the Strong Towns Summit.
Read MoreGreat Streets are streets that serve all users; that prioritize the pedestrian zone; that are comfortable, safe and dynamic; and that create a valuable public realm.
Read MoreToday, Heyden Walker and Chuck Marohn discuss the highway I-35 project in Austin and the need for better transparency in transportation spending.
Read MoreWhat would possess a transit agency to change every route in its system overnight? We were out of money; it was time to start thinking.
Read MoreThe Cato Institute recently published an article claiming that cash-strapped millennials in Seattle should look instead to Houston for affordable homes. There's a lot wrong with that argument.
Read MoreWatch the President of Strong Towns speak about the pitfalls of the suburban development pattern and the relationship between transportation and household affordability.
Read MoreThe other problem with one-way streets.
Read MoreA super-grid system could improve bussing in Dallas and other similarly-built cities.
Read MoreFrequently hailed as a shining example of a successful big box retrofit, the McAllen Main Library is a fantastic space. But is it a realistic model for retrofits across the country?
Read MoreWhat would it take to keep us in the place where we grew up? Or if we do move, what characteristics of a place would lead us to decide to settle in?
Read MoreDallas is not financially productive. There is too much area to service and maintain and not enough wealth to do it. There's too much stuff and not enough place.
Read MoreThere’s a lot of talk these days about how Texas is the new California, but you need to take that concept with a grain of salt. It’s a short term phenomenon.
Read MoreJust four months after making adjustments to its system, Houston buses have seen a 10% increase in ridership. This video shows how and why they did it.
Read MoreSan Marcos, TX and Sandusky, OH showcase their strengths with photographs. Your vote will determine the strongest.
Read MoreVote for the Strongest Town in this south vs. west face off.
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