A bill that has passed the Florida Senate proposes to build over 300 miles of new toll roads deep into rural areas of the state. Proponents claim it’s necessary to prepare for coming population growth. They couldn’t be more wrong.
Read MoreAnd the 4th annual Strongest Town title goes to….
Read MorePensacola, FL and Portsmouth, NH are our final two contestants for the title of 2019’s Strongest Town! Check out the live webcast audio and video, and then cast your vote!
Read MoreWe’re down to four contestants in the 2019 Strongest Town Contest, and we interviewed a representative from each one of them. Hear them tell their towns’ stories in their own words, and then tell us which two cities you think should advance to the championship!
Read MoreCast your vote! Who should advance to the Semifinal Round in the fourth annual Strongest Town Contest?!
Read MoreCast your vote! Who should advance to Round 2 in the fourth annual Strongest Town Contest?!
Read MoreThe pitfalls of rapid growth are real. But trying to micromanage how, where, and even if our cities are allowed to grow is not the answer.
Read MoreCivicCon is a unique year-long initiative creating space for public conversation on the future of Pensacola, FL. Strong Towns is proud to be part of it.
Read MoreOur current development models have not served us well and we know that. We must move forward in a different way.
Read MoreThe ship is sinking and we're not even rearranging the deck chairs; we're arguing about their color.
Read MoreNew Urbanist design has been praised and criticized alike. A recent development in Orlando, FL offers a unique opportunity to examine the challenges and potentials for success in planned New Urbanist communities.
Read MoreThere is arguably no place where half a century of suburban growth has more resembled a giant Ponzi scheme than in Florida.
Read MoreWe recently received an email saying: "If Strong Towns were engaged in saving my state, membership would make sense. As it is, I fight the battle alone." Today, we're making a strong case for why that misconception is wrong.
Read MoreThis suburb is a growing place, but it's not a successful place. It risks becoming an increasingly isolating place full of people who are cut off from the economic mainstream.
Read MoreThe state of Florida went all-in on the suburban experiment in a way that few other places did. Overbuilt and half empty, many Florida suburbs will never climb out of debt and decline.
Read MoreThe recipe for a successful residential street is simple, timeless, and requires very little costly engineering.
Read MoreA Florida town is planning to subsidize Uber rides for its residents in the hopes of decreasing road maintenance and public transit costs. Do the numbers add up?
Read MoreVote for the Strongest Town based on these photographs of West Palm Beach, FL and Holland, MI.
Read MoreIt's time for a Florida showdown in the Strongest Town contest.
Read MoreIn Little Havana, Miami, two urban designers hope to return a dangerous stroad to its walkable roots. Community input is an essentail part of that process.
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