Posts tagged zoning
Massachusetts Zoning Lawsuit: Addressing Listener Pushback

On a recent Upzoned episode, I joined Abby Newsham to discuss Massachusetts’ effort to sue a city over exclusionary zoning near transit stations. After it aired, we received some thoughtful critiques from listeners who felt the conversation missed key historical and legal context. I’d like to address those critiques today.

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Bottom-Up Shorts: How To Incrementally Improve Your City's Zoning Laws

Spencer Coyne is the mayor of Princeton, British Columbia. He joins this Bottom-Up Short to explain how he’s implementing the Strong Towns approach in his city, including how to incrementally reform a zoning code and how to do a lot with a small amount of funding.

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How Minimum Lot Size Requirements Maximize the Housing Crisis

Allowing housing units to be built on small or irregular lots is a gamechanger for cities that are fighting the housing crisis. Here’s why that allowance is so important and how three developers are using small units and creativity to bring more housing options to their communities.

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Let’s Embrace Our Nonconforming Grandpas

The practice of "grandfathering in" old buildings — letting them exist without meeting current building codes — is a good one. However, buildings lose this protected status if their owners perform renovations or additions, resulting in many buildings declining or sitting empty. It doesn't have to be this way.

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