The federal government pays the upfront costs for infrastructure, but the responsibility for its maintenance is yours. Forever.
Read MoreDo no harm: put your people and their needs at the heart of your approach. Here’s how.
Read MoreThe top-down approach puts systems ahead of people and politics ahead of place—which is not what we need if we want to actually fix our infrastructure.
Read MoreThe Plan pretends to dig us out of the infrastructure hole we've dug ourselves into. In reality, it's making the hole bigger.
Read MoreThe story has been that we don’t spend enough on infrastructure. But what’s the whole truth?
Read MoreThere is nothing in the plan that is going to substantively change the trajectory of the North American development pattern.
Read MoreThe problem isn’t a lack of political consensus. The problem is consensus around a failed vision of how to achieve American prosperity.
Read MoreAfter World War II, the federal government subsidized a massive suburban experiment that was completely unprecedented in human history. But—as a mostly-forgotten 1942 manual by the Department of Commerce makes clear—it didn’t have to be that way.
Read MoreFor years, you’ve been doing the work of building a stronger, more resilient, and more prosperous community. Members of Congress are noticing.
Read MoreA conversation with Chris Arnade and Tim Carney is delightful, insightful, and an important way to frame the upcoming year.
Read MoreWhen it comes to infrastructure spending, politicians on both ends of the political spectrum get it wrong—but in different ways.
Read MoreA review of the White House infrastructure plan reveals a few rough spots, but also a lot to like.
Read MoreWriter Chris Arnade talks about a life getting to know people on the margins of society—people living in poverty and dealing with addiction—and the struggles of small towns in America.
Read MoreOur approach to building strong towns isn't driven by large influxes of federal money or top-down, cookie cutter government programs.
Read MoreA federal infrastructure bill is going to make your city poorer in the long run. Here's how.
Read MoreIn this final podcast of 2016, founding member of Strong Towns, Seth Zeren, and Chuck Marohn talk about the results of the election and its impact on the national dialogue.
Read MoreScale our economy to those working at the ground level and we will see a true prosperity emerge from the fear and acrimony that is our national dialog.
Read MoreAfter some travel and contemplation, Chuck Marohn offers some thoughts on the presidential election, Strong Towns and the future of America.
Read MoreThroughout the election, we've chosen to focus our attention toward the issue of infrastructure spending. Now it's time to consider what our new president will do about it.
Read MoreScale our economy to those working at the ground level and we will see a true prosperity emerge.
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